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The National Anthem and the Flag of the Dominican Republic

Words - Emilio Prudhoe

Music - Jose Reyes


Quisqueyanos valientes alcemos
nuestro canto con viva emoción
Y del mundo a la paz ostentemos
Nuestro invicto glorioso perdón

Salve el pueblo que intrépido y fuerte
A la guerra a morir se lanzo
Cuando en bélico reto de muerte
Sus cadenas de esclavo rompió.

Ningún pueblo ser libre merece
Si es esclavo, indolente y servil,
Si en su pecho la llama no crece
Que templo el heroísmo viril.

Mas Quisqueya día indómita y brava
Siempre altiva la frente alzara,
Que si fuere mil veces esclava
Otras tantas ser libre sabrá.

National Anthem of the Dominican Republic appeared in 1883 from the pen of two talented men, whose names were Emilio Prud'Ome (words) and José Reyes (music).

First, «the release of the» anthem and acquaintance with him the general public was held on August 17 of the same year, when transferring of the remains of the «Father of the Fatherland» Juan Pablo Duarte (1813−1876), who created a  secret society «La Trinidad» for the country's liberation from the oppression of the Haitian, a long time to oppress the Dominican people. Also it is assumed that Duarte is the founder of the Republic, proclaimed in 1844 .The urn with the ashes of Duarte was transferred to the shoulders of people who receive this  rare honor, and throughout the procession sounded the national anthem, which has become since then a symbol of patriotism. Words and music easy to remember anthem and penetrate deep into the soul of every Dominican, who loves his  homeland.

The orchestra, which played on the day included a violin, flute, clarinet, trombone, cello, double bass, and other instruments.

 The Flag of the Dominican Republic

For the first time the Dominican flag was embroidered by hand ladies Concepción Ėrnandės Bona and Maria de Jesus Benites. Historians believe that  this flag and developed during the night February 27, 1844, at a crucial moment for the freedom of the fatherland.

However, there is another view of the appearance of the Dominican flag. According to Thomas Madiou even 26 of 1844 was not yet decided on how to be a flag. On a secret society meeting «La Trinidad» one of its members — Joaquín Pueyo — he proposed to leave Haitian option for two reasons: «that there was no conflict, and that the people themselves could choose its own flag.» Another member of the Assembly proposed to add to the Haitian flag, a white cross,that was accepted by all. This circumstance misled the Haitian military, sent to stop the people that night. Seeing in the hands of people developing the  Haitian flag Haitian army retreated.

Members of the public want to create a flag that is radically different from  Haitian: and color, and symbols depicted on the flag. They wanted the flag has become a symbol of freedom, independence and patriotism.

Many other versions of the Dominican flag appeared throughout the country's history, and has always remained the symbol of the flag, who wanted to see in it the members of the secret society «La Trinidad».

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